Friday, July 27, 2007


Many have noticed that journalist who report on public agencies is not doing much to report to the public helpful unbias local information that would keep the public well informed on the agencies that serve them.
The Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District EVMWD and Nevada Hydro has been involved in a powerline proposal since 1997 called LEAPS. No license of any kind has been issued nor have any ground breaking ceremony done after 10 years, to the tune of over 3 million dollars of public funds spent. This proposal shows no progress in moving forward. The SEQUA Environmental Impact Report is being stalled, in the making more than a year. This is very unusaul for a project proposal. EM1 would think that the newspapers journalist would be racing to use the The Public Records Act and doing an inhouse review on all of the documents pertaining the 10 year old LEAPS Proposal including the finances. That should be big news,
The Press Enterprise is known for its bias onesided news reporting. On the other hand The Californian News in the past was viewed as the fair practicing unbias news reporting until recently that has not held true in EM1 's opinion. Both papers report on Lake Elsinore news. Take EVMWD,it is easily noticed that EVMWD is hidding something concerning the LEAPS Proposal, yet the journalist tend to take at face value EVMWD's Press Releases without going to the public on what their opinion would be on the LEAPS. EM1 urge the newspapers to take clear notice on the time line of the LEAPS and compare to the 3 millions dollars already spent to no avail. It just make no dollars an cents on what and how the public funds are being spent on a proposal. EM1 feels that the newspapers should take better interest in getting important information to the public especially on the spending of public funds.
Director Phil WILLIAMS continues the attempt to sell to the public that the LEAPS will be built even after 2 strong rejections reports by important agencies who would have strong meaning for or, aganist the LEAPS. As it stands the 2 agencies CAISO and The California Oversight Committee does not favor the LEAPS Proposal.
EM1 urge the public to be selective in chosing their newspapers for a good source of hepful information. The Valley News out of Fallbrook/Escondido has demonstrated that it does its home work in bring informational news to the locals of Lake Elsinore. This paper come out once a week and can be picked up at the Wal Mart each Friday, Lake Elsinore.